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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Media Council of Tanzania - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Millard A. Ayo

Millard A. Ayo

Millard Afrael Ayo is the founder of Ayo TV TZA Company Limited which runs He was born on 16th January, 1986 in Arusha, Tanzania.

Ayo’s background in media started early: when he turned 13 years old, he was selected to participate in a children’s show aired by Clouds FM. As of 2005, he started to work for different media outlets, amongst others for TVZ Zanzibar as news reporter for six months. Then he joined Wapo Radio, a Christian radio station based in Dar es Salaam on May 2005 where he worked for three years without salary.

In 2008, Millard Ayo managed to join and work with ITV and Radio One (IPP Media Limited) where he hosted diferent programs and being paid montly salary of Tshs. 300,000/-, his name stated to grow and getting traction in Tanzania. After his applications at Clouds FM got rejected several times, he finally got a position there in 2010, where he works until today (2018).

Apart from owning the online media and blog, also Millard Ayo is still working for the biggest media in Tanzania (Clouds Media) as a radio presenter (“Amplifier”) and his own studio (“Ayo studio”), mainly focused on news production. Millard’s political affiliation is not clear according to own accounts, however, he gets support by befriended politicians and media presenters.

Ayo won awards such as Best Presenter Radio Awards (2006), Best Website by Vodacom Tanzania and African Stars Family (, 2012). In 2017, he was named by Africa Youth Awards among the 100 most influential Young Africans.

Millard attended Patandi Primary school and O’level secondary school at Akeni Seconary school both in Arusha, later he joined A’level secondary school at Mbezi Beach secondary in Dar es Salaaam which he completed in 2002. He also joined Arusha college of electronics and later in 2004, he joined East Africa Training Institute in Arusha, where he was study broadcasting and Journalism. He is first born in a family of four children to his parents are Afrael Ayo (small business person) and Mary Ayo (a teacher).


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  • Project by
    Media Council of Tanzania
    Global Media Registry
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